Navasota ISD encompasses 362 sq. mi. and is located in the southern part of Grimes County. Teachers and staff are highly dedicated to caring for & educating all 3056 students. The citizens of the NISD take great pride in the quality of their schools.
So it is THE PEOPLE, for years and years, who have made every day special for me at Navasota ISD. Once a Rattler...Always a Rattler!" Nancy Bouliane, Librarian at Navasota High School.
In 7th Place, with a score of 72.3, for the first time ever competing at TCGC, the Navasota High School Indoor Percussion Ensemble! These students had a great run this past Saturday! Their next show is Saturday, March 22 at Waller High School. We’ll remind you as we get closer, but we hope to see lots of Navasota folks at that show!