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This site will give you all the information you need to complete the three level process for completing Navasota ISD staff technology requirements.  If you have any questions you may contact your campus technology specialist, Ronnie Gonzalez (at [email protected]) or Carol Woehler (at [email protected]).

The links on the right will guide you through the technology requirements for each of the three levels of the competencies.

Internet and Windows lead you through Web Learning that will both update and refresh your Internet and Windows skills.

The MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access links will take you to Navasota’s Online Expert (LearnKey) site where you can do self-pacing tutorials and testing on each program.

First time users of LearnKey must register first (click Instructions (below) for this step-by-step procedure). Every time after registering go in under “Student Login.” Once you are able to login as a student, be sure you have your LearnKey CD.